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Determine if Cielo’s smart solutions are a fit for your home.
Our products are compatible with majority of residential HVAC systems.
Please select product category:
What type of air conditioning system do you have?
Not sure which system do you have?
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We would require some more information
Please contact our support team, they will be happy to assist
you in determining if Cielo Breez mini-split thermostats
are compatible with your specific AC system.
Call us:
(+1) 425 529 5775
Email us:
Our Support Timings are:
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM ET
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Based on your wire selection:
R, Rc, C, Y2, W3, OBYour wiring selection seems unusual. Please re-enter the wires connected to your thermostat.
Re-enter WiresPlease take a photo of thermostat
wiring and contact support:
Call us:
(+1) 425 529 5775
Email us:
Our Support Timings are:
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM ET
Based on your wire selection:
R, Rc, C, Y2, W3, OB Cielo Smart thermostats are compatible with your system.
It's time to make your home climate smart!
You indicated that you have an extra wire.
As long as it is connected to the C connector on your system control board,
you will be able to power your Cielo Smart Thermostat.
Cielo Smart Thermostat
Next-Gen Smart Features, Exquisite Design.
A dynamic blend of comfort and savings.
Your installation requires a C-Wire Adapter (included in the box)
Cielo Smart Thermostats are compatible with your system.
It's time to make your home climate smart!
Do you see an unused wire in the wall behind
your thermostat’s base?
Does your air conditioning system have a remote?
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Compatible with thermostats only
Check if Cielo Smart Thermostat will work with your central AC system.
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Search Your AC’s Manufacturer
Go to and search for your AC's manufacturer
If your AC remote looks like any of the
displayed remote images, our smart
mini-split thermostats are compatible
with your system.
Not Compatible
If you do not see your AC remote
in the displayed images, don't worry!
Take a photo of your
remote & send it to our support team.
We will try to make it compatible for you.
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Unfortunately, Cielo Smart Thermostats for mini-splits are
not compatible with your system.
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