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This statement of the Privacy Policy maintained by Cielo WiGle Inc. (“Cielo” or the “Company”) describes how we collect and use personal information that we collect in connection with our customers’ use of Cielo products and services. Cielo considers any information that reveals the identity of an individual, such as name, email address, IP address, billing information and the like, to be “Personal Information”.
This Privacy Policy focuses on information transmitted to us from Cielo products through the Cielo Home APP. We have a separate privacy policy that pertains to the operation of Cielo’s public website, including our online store. To learn about Cielo’s privacy policy for its website and online store, please visit
The primary goal of our privacy policies is to protect your Personal Information from use or disclosure other than as needed to enable you to enjoy the benefits of our products. Cielo does not share or distribute your Personal Information to anyone outside of our Company, and we use your Personal Information solely for the purpose of communicating with you and optimizing the functionality of the Cielo products and services that you purchase.
Registration. A customer registering a new Cielo Product will be given the opportunity to provide basic profile information, which we will store in the account identified by the customer’s email address. Some of this information, such as a profile photo, is optional on the customer’s part, and is collected primarily to enhance the customer’s relation to the product. The remainder of the information, particularly the customer’s address, is used by Cielo to retrieve weather information for the customer’s region and enable automatic adjustment of the HVAC Product in response to changes in local weather.
Initiation of the App. A customer, upon receiving a Cielo Product, must link the Product to the Cielo Home App in order for the Product to function. In the process of linking the Product to the App, the customer will provide an email address and must create a password. The password will be immediately encrypted, and Cielo has no ability to access the password. Cielo will store the email address along with the identity of the Product. We save the email address to enable us to communicate with the customer. Over time, we associate the email address with other information provided by a customer to organize the information and facilitate our response to service inquiries from the customer.
Wi-Fi Network Information. To connect your Cielo Product to the Cielo Home App or to access the Cielo Product over the Internet, you will need to connect it to your Wi-Fi network. During set-up, the Cielo Product will ask for your Wi-Fi network name (SSID). We will store your Wi-Fi network name (but never your Wi-Fi password) for purposes of troubleshooting.
Environmental Data. Sensors in your Cielo Product will collect information regarding temperature, humidity and ambient light as well as information regarding the functional capabilities of the HVAC systems in your home. This information will enable the Cielo Product to optimize the Product’s programming.
Product Usage Data. The Cielo Home App collects information regarding the usage of the Cielo Product: temperature adjustments and the circumstances in which they occur, types of response to weather changes, periods when the Product is turned off. We save this information on an individual basis to assist us in responding to service inquiries. We also study the information provided by all or a portion of our customers on an aggregated basis in order to provide improvements to our products’ functionality and to improve our marketing program.
Location Data. We will collect your mobile phone’s location data at the time of:
1- Product Registration: When you register a new product, we will collect your mobile phone’s location data to find nearby devices.
2- When you use geofencing feature: If you use our geofencing feature, we will collect your mobile phone’s location data to provide you with location-based services.
Marketing. After you have registered your Cielo Product and linked it to the Cielo Home App, we will email promotional material to you from time to time. Many of those emails will be programmed to record any click-through you make from the email to the website. We will save the click-through information in aggregate only, without any personal identifiers.
No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic processing or storage, is fully secure. While we maintain reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality and security of information transmitted to us, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. In the event that we are required by law to inform you of a breach to your Personal Information we may notify you electronically, in writing, or by telephone, if permitted to do so by law.
We take precautions to protect your Personal Information. We use data encryption and industry-standard security measures to safeguard the data transmitted through the Cielo Home App, including the oauth2.0 protocol for API authentication. We also use AWS cloud services for data management. Only employees of the Company and third-party processors who need the information to respond to a service inquiry from you are granted access to Personal Information. The computers/servers and file cabinets in which we store Personal Information are kept in a secure environment.
With limited exceptions, all of which are related to delivering and servicing your Cielo product(s), we do not share the Personal Information that we collect. We do not give anyone use of or access to our customer lists.
The exceptions, in which we do transfer Personal Information to a third party, are:
Cielo products and services can be used and integrated with third-party products and services, e.g. voice command applications, multimedia applications, or any other forms of application, product, etc. Cielo is not accountable for any third-party application, and users should review the published privacy policies of the sponsors of those applications, products, and/or services to determine the level of protection promised. If, in connection with an integration of a Cielo product with a third party product, Personal Information will be transferred, Cielo will secure your consent to the transfer before providing the information.
Cielo is headquartered in Bellevue, WA, USA. Cielo web servers are hosted in the United States, and the Cielo Home App is intended for United States residents. If you are using the Cielo Home App from a site in the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, then please note that you are transferring your personal data to the United States and by providing your personal data you agree to that transfer. If you use the Cielo Home App while in a country that has different laws, then you are transferring your data with your consent, and Cielo in no way responsible for the implementation of your local privacy law.
Cielo will generally store your Personal Information on Cielo’s computers until you delete or edit it. This enables us to provide customer service with respect to the Cielo products you purchase and to provide you updated information about our products.
You may request that we delete your Personal Information by contacting us using the contact information provided at the end of this policy. Except in a situation where we have a legal obligation to retain your Personal Information, we will grant a request to delete Personal Information. Note, however, that deletion of your Personal Information from our files will render your account on the Cielo Home APP non-functional, which will prevent you from continued use of your Cielo products.
You may request access to your information by contacting us using the contact information provided at the end of this policy. If permitted and required by law, we will grant you reasonable access to the data that we have about you. We rely on you to update and correct your personal information. Note that we may keep historical information in our backup files as permitted by law.
Please note that this privacy policy may be changed by Cielo from time to time. Cielo will provide notice of any changes or updates on the website.
If you have any questions relevant to the privacy policy of our website, please contact us at
Last Updated: March 7, 2024
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