Supercharge Your Savings
with Utility Rebates

Discover exclusive rebates on Cielo smart thermostats.

Burbank Water & Power Logo

Coverage Area:

City of Banning Logo

Coverage Area:

The city of Colton California Logo

Coverage Area:

Pasadena Water & Power logo

Coverage Area:

Energize CT logo

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Ocala Electric Logo

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Mass save logo

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National Grid Logo

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Cape Light Compact Logo

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Liberty Logo

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Unitl Logo

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Berkshire Logo

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NextZero Logo

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Efficiency United Logo

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Xcel Energy

Coverage Area:
Michigan, Wisconsin

Minnesota Power

Coverage Area:

Coverage Area:

Continental DIVIDE An Energy & Telecommunications Cooperative

Coverage Area:
New Mexico

Santee Cooper Logo

Coverage Area:
South Carolina

Focus on energy Logo

Coverage Area:

Alliant Energy

Coverage Area:

we energies

Coverage Area:

Wisconsin Public Service:

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ALP Utilities Logo

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alameda municipal power logo

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Anaheim Public Utilities Logo

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Lodi Electric Utility Logo

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Imperial Irrigation District Logo

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Lompoc City Electric Logo

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merced ID logo

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merced ID logo

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merced ID logo

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merced ID logo

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merced ID logo

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AZUSA logo

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San Jose clean energy logo

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San Jose clean energy logo

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Pepco logo

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Washington, Maryland

BGE (Baltimore Gas and Electric) logo

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comed an exelon compnay logo

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Delmarva Power logo

Coverage Area:
Delaware, Maryland

Atlantic City Central  logo

Coverage Area:
New Jersey

nyseg logo

Coverage Area:

nyseg logo

Coverage Area:
New York

RGE logo

Coverage Area:
New York

aogc logo

Coverage Area:
Arkansas, Oklahoma

aogc logo

Coverage Area:
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas

aogc logo

Coverage Area:

North Central Electric Cooperative logo

Coverage Area:

Minnkota Power

Coverage Area:
Minnesota, North Dakota

City of Alvarado

Coverage Area:

Beltrami Electric Cooperative

Coverage Area:

North Star Electric Cooperative

Coverage Area:

Roseau Electric Cooperative

Coverage Area:

Burbank Water and Power Logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

City of Banning Logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

The city of Colton California Logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Pasadena Water & Power logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Energize CT logo
Coverage Area: Connecticut

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Ocala Electric Logo
Coverage Area: Florida

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Coverage Area: Idaho

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

*Use MAC address as the serial number available within the 'About Device' section of the settings in the Cielo Home app.

Mass save logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

National Grid Logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Cape Light Compact Logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Liberty Logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Unitl Logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Berkshire Logo
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

(Integrated Control Solutions)

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Water Energy Life
Coverage Area: Massachusetts

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Eligible Towns
Efficiency United Logo
Coverage Area: Michigan

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Alliant Energy
Coverage Area: Michigan, Wisconsin

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Apply Now

Minnesota Power
Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Smart Thermostat - Low Voltage

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat​

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Smart Thermostat/Adapter-ASHP Ductless Rebate

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Eco

Sleekest smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable ACs.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Cielo Breez Lite

Cielo Breez Lite

Smart mini-split thermostat that is engineered for affordable comfort.

*Use MAC address as the serial number available within the 'About Device' section of the settings in the Cielo Home app.

Coverage Area: Missouri

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Water Energy Life
Coverage Area: New Mexico

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Santee Cooper Logo
Coverage Area: South Carolina

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Cielo Breez Eco

Sleekest smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable ACs.

Focus on energy Logo
Coverage Area: Wisconsin

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Alliant Energy
Coverage Area: Wisconsin

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

we energies
Coverage Area: Wisconsin

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Wisconsin Public Service
Coverage Area: Wisconsin

Eligible Products

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Cielo Breez Plus

Cielo Breez Plus

The ultimate smart thermostat for mini-split, window & portable units.

Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Imperial Irrigation District Logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Lompoc logo
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

*Use MAC address as the serial number available within the 'About Device' section of the settings in the Cielo Home app.

Modesto Irrigation District
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

City of Roseville
Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Residential Rebates for Electricity
Coverage Area: Idaho

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Coverage Area: California

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Pepco Logo
Coverage Area: Washington, Maryland

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

bge smart energy
Coverage Area: Maryland

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Atlantic city electric
Coverage Area: Illinois

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

delmarva Power
Coverage Area: Delaware, Maryland

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Atlantic city electric
Coverage Area: New Jersey

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

smeco logo
Coverage Area: Maryland

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Coverage Area: New York

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

RGE Logo
Coverage Area: New York

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

aogc Logo
Coverage Area: Arkansas, Oklahoma

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Summitlogo Logo
Coverage Area: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

RGE Logo
Coverage Area: Ohio

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Minnkota Power
Coverage Area: Minnesota, North Dakota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

City of Alvarado
Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Beltrami Electric Cooperative
Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

North Star Electric Cooperative
Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

Roseau Electric Cooperative
Coverage Area: Minnesota

Eligible Products

Cielo smart thermostat

Cielo Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat for HVAC systems. Perfect balance between comfort & savings.

thermostat eco in black and white

Cielo Smart Thermostat Eco

A budget-friendly smart thermostat for central HVAC systems that guarantees savings.

Cielo Breez Max

Cielo Breez Max

Award-winning smart thermostat for room air conditioners.

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