As always, team Cielo is continuously innovating to provide the best user experience to the consumers. The launch of much-asked features of Turbo and FP is another feather in the cap of the ecosystem of Cielo Breez smart AC controllers. Here are the details:
Turbo Mode
Imagine coming back after a long day at work in the summers. You open the door and are greeted by a strong rush of warm and stuffy air. This is where you’d want the turbo mode to be activated to cool your room in the minimum possible time.
Turbo mode allows a user to run their air conditioner at the highest power setting possible, to achieve minimum cooling and heating time period. Particularly suited for homes in hot climate areas, a real-world application of turbo mode would be when a user comes back to an empty home that has been heating up throughout the day. As compared to normal cool mode, the turbo mode will achieve the same lower temperature at a fraction of the time, so you do not have to sit in the sweltering heat for long.
The turbo mode can be found on the settings screen of your selected air conditioner through the Cielo Home app. Simply swipe left on the arrow icons and you can then select the turbo mode from the menu.
Be sure to consult your AC’s operations manual to find out if your model supports this function. The exact function name can vary among different manufacturers, with “Turbo Mode” being the most common. It can also be known as Powerful, Jet, Fast, or High-Power mode.

Freeze Protection
Ideal for homes located in extremely cold areas, this feature lets you maintain a comfortable ambient temperature when the room is not in use for extended periods of time. The “Freeze Protection” feature is closely associated with the heat mode.
In this operating mode, the air conditioner will be running at the minimum power setting while still blowing warm air within the room. Such a feature is well-suited for homes in extremely cold climates, and where the indoor space is not occupied for longer periods. Upon activation, the freeze protection mode will prevent the interior temperature of the room from coming close to or even falling below freezing. Once the room is occupied, a more comfortable temperature can then be easily achieved.
Moreover, an added advantage of such a feature is to prevent damage to sensitive electrical equipment and water pipes during extreme cold. The above freezing ambient temperature would prevent that. This makes it ideal for applications in garages or outhouses/sheds, where occupancy is minimal but above freezing temperature is required.
Similar to Turbo mode, consult your AC’s operations manual to find out if your AC model supports this feature. “Freeze Protection / FP” feature may also be known as Min. Heat (MH), 8o C, or Low Heat (LH) depending on your AC manufacturer.

Both Turbo & Freeze Protection (FP) modes are easily accessible from the Cielo Home mobile app and will prove to be a valuable addition to the already comprehensive feature set available from the mobile app.
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Thank you, wonderful job! Just the thing I needed to get.